Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Fran, April 26th and 27th

Sorry I missed last night.

Yesterday they found that Fran had a DVT (clot) in her leg that was inactive, but constituted some risk. We determined that they would put in a filter to prevent any clots from rising to the lung.

Today was major progress in her physical therapy.  Fran had a transfer from wheelchair to bed that would be classified as moderate assistance, a big jump.  She began at total and had moved to max assistance.  Based on the continued progress the therapist said she would recommend that Fran stay an additional week past the May 3 date.

Fran also made progress in what is called "speech therapy," but for Fran, is about swallowing. Fran's swallowing is now very good, and it appears that her dietary and liquid restrictions will soon be lifted.


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